News Archive
26/3/2019Use Your Highlife Card In New Areas
High Life Highland today announced a new partnership with four other areas of Scotland that will see highlife members able to access free use of leisure facilities outside the Highland region for the first time since the low cost access card was introduced over 15 years ago. The scheme, involving four other areas will be known as the "Leisure Link Partnership".
East Caithness Community Sport Hub Notes
From Kirsty Baird - Community Sport Hub Officer. Thanks very much for coming to last week's meeting, please see the notes attached, I'll be following up on my action points as soon as possible.1/3/2019
Community Sport Hub Meeting Tuesday 5th March
ust a reminder we have the East Caithness Community Sport Hub on Tuesday 5th March 6.30-7.30pm in the PE classroom (no longer dance studio), we will be look at the year ahead, the needs for your club and the community. Reminder - 2019 club profile for sportscotland and governing bodies monitoring and the 2019 club affiliation to your local Community Sport Hub.19/2/2019
Scottish National Surfing Championships - Thurso - April 2019
A competition which brings surfers from across Scotland to compete for a national title has been awarded £5,000 from EventScotland's National Programme Fund. The take place from 19-22 April 2019 in Thurso.31/1/2019
Hi-Viz Vests Free To Clubs and Groups in Caithness
Specsavers in Wick have been in touch to say they have a lots of Hi-Viz vest free for any local groups, schools or clubs Their are adult and kids sizes available. "Previously we have given them to some local schools and clubs but we still have lots left.5/12/2018
Courses For Sports Groups
Quick reminder of child protection course on next Wednesday in Thurso, and other dates for child protection officer training and first aid will be available soon: Safeguarding & Protecting Children - Wednesday 12th December, Thurso High School 6.30-9.30pm This workshop and resource meets the basic foundation requirements for safeguarding and protecting children and young people in sport, for anyone whose role brings them into contact with children and young people. Recognised by UKCC and lasts 3 years.9/10/2018
Surfers Ceilidh - 10th November 2018 - Thurso
See poster for details..
Halkirk Football Club U-13s Are Looking For Players To Join Their Team
Training times are Thursdays 5.00 - 6.30pm at Naver All Weather Pitch and Sundays 1.30 - 3.00pm at Halkirk Football Pitch. Any one interested contact Stewart Munro (Coach) - Mob No 07810731849 Home No 01847 831382 E-Mail josamar1@outlook .com.
Caithness Badminton - Come and Try Sessions - Places and Dates
See poster for the times and places. Come and Try Badminton.
Caithness Badminton - Come and Try Sessions
Why badminton is a great way to keep you active. Easy to learn, fun and sociable, badminton is a great way for people of all abilities to keep active.
40 years of failure: can sport and leisure bridge the empathy gap?
This article in "the leisure review" talks about what has happened in England but applies to Scotland also. Are we failing here also to involve everyone? After a long career in sport and leisure Martyn Allison offers a personal perspective of a sector that, for all its achievements, has failed to recognise or address its biggest challenge.17/9/2018
Physical activity is good for you
A research study published in the Lancet reports that physical activity can have a significant impact on mortality rates. The findings will come as a surprise to almost no one but the study, which is the first to explore the relationship between heart disease and physical activity in nations of differing levels of affluence, will add to the weight of evidence supporting investment in physical activity promotion as part of the UK government's efforts to promote healthy lifestyles.17/9/2018
Women and girls in sport board reveals work plan
The group advising the Scottish Government on getting more women and girls physically active and into sport is to focus on the particular barriers to participation that affect different groups. The Women and Girls in Sport Board, which is made up of representatives from sport, business and the media, has set out its work programme and also revealed its new brand and visual identity.
Coaching & Training Opportunities - September to December 2018
Highlife Highland have an increasing range of courses aimed at coaches and anyone involved in running groups. More new course are being added all the time so keep and eye on the Calendar HERE.
East Caithness Sports Hub Meeting 25th September
The next hub meeting is planned for Tuesday the 25th of September 2018, 6.30-8pm in East Caithness Community Facility's dance studio. Please find the next meeting's agenda attached; the previous presentation from Katie Matthew's and the meeting notes from the last meeting.
Cycling Without Age
Bike scheme for elderly rolled out across Scotland. Older people across Scotland will be able to stay active and socialise through an innovative cycling scheme being rolled out nationally.
Community Sport Hubs Highland - Meeting 16th May - Wick
Following recent community engagement on the establishment of an East Caithness Community Sport Hub, we are delighted to announce that the Hub's first meeting will be in held in Wick. Sportscotland Partnership Manager, Garry Reid will officially open the Hub's first meeting which will be chaired by Katie Matthews, Community Sports Hub Officer for the North Highlands.
Scholarships support student golfers to compete at elite level
Five University of the Highlands and Islands students have been awarded scholarships from international golfing organisation, The R&A. Jamie Macintosh (18) from Inverness, Kieran McCormick (18) from Glasgow, Michael Schinkel (20) from Kirkwall, Alistair McNaughton (20) from Paisley and Riccardo Cellerino (23) from Italy have each received between £750 and £1000.
Castle Of Mey Highland Games To Host First Scottish Paralympics Athletes
An article in the Mail on Sunday has highlighted a move for Castle of Mey Highland Games to hold the first ever events for athletes with a disability. Hammer throwing and tossing the caber inspired by Alex Armor and ex US veteran.