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Calling All Cycling Projects!
Are you part of a community group or club who are looking at developing or have started a cycling project? Sportscotland are looking to identify any potential projects looking for funding from the Cycling fund as well as ensure that projects benefit from Community Sport Hub support and investment that surrounds the UCI World Cycling Championships. At this stage sportscotland are looking to collect information on any planned cycling projects in Highland or ones that are already underway with a need for further development.9/2/2021
Highland Wake up Shake up fills Joe Wicks Gap
Highland pupils have been joining ‘Wake Up Shake Up' sessions online on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, as part of the High Life Highland online support for local communities during the pandemic. The movement and dance sessions are available to primary school age pupils with a Highland Google account, and are led by Amy Gallagher of High Life Highland.19/12/2020
Emergency Funding For Football In Scotland - Over £11 Million Split Between Lower-league Clubs
Emergency grants worth £11.35 million will be split between football clubs in an agreement between the Scottish FA and the Scottish Government. The funding will support clubs below Premiership level after the loss of spectator revenue due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with £10 million coming from the Scottish Government's emergency sports package that was announced earlier this month, and a further £1.35 million from the National Lottery.25/11/2020
New Indoor Climbing Facility Secures £200,000 For Inverness
A project to create an indoor climbing facility in Inverness, has secured up to £200,000 investment from HIE. It will form part of a new climbing performance centre and adventure sports destination being developed in the Longman area of Inverness, by The Ledge, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Sonas Slàinte - Goireas Ùr Slàinte Is Sunnd Airson Foghlam Tron Ghàidhlig - New Gaelic Medium health and well-being resource - Sonas Slàinte
Tha Sgioba Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd fìor thoilichte Sonas Slàinte - goireas ùr slàinte is sunnd airson Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig - a chur air bhog aig Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, air Diluain 23 dhen t-Samhain. Tha Sonas Slàinte a' gabhail a-steach bhidiothan is dùbhlain a rinn FC Sonas le coimisean bho Sgioba Gàidhlig na Comhairle gus goireas a bharrachd a chruthachadh do thidsearan ann am Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig.13/11/2020
£175 Million More For Cycling And Walking As Research Shows Public Support
Survey reveals 8 out of 10 people support measures to reduce road traffic and two-thirds support reallocating road space for active travel. £175 million announced for high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure across England to make local journeys safer for all.
Statement from Peterhead Football Club About Reinstatement of Staff
The events of the last ten days or so have no doubt been confusing and stressful for Peterhead Football Club and especially the 29 occasional and part-time staff who had received redundancy notices when the Government Furlough Scheme drew to a close at the end of October. There were also a number of staff who despite having not been made redundant, had been placed on the "at risk" category which also provided unwanted worry especially with the timing being so close to Christmas.10/11/2020
Online Meeting and Coaching Talk with East Caithness Sports Hub
Hi Everyone, We will be holding a 60 minute virtual Community Sport Hub meeting via Skype next Monday with a focus on CSH events for this academic year. The CSH is here to help support everyone in East Caithness and to support their Health & Wellbeing, fitness and community sports during these difficult times.
Marcus Rashford: Finding Purpose Off-field Can Improve Sporting Performance
Manchester United and England footballer Marcus Rashford is having quite a month. He was honoured with an MBE for his efforts to ensure free school meals for children, and his petition to end child food poverty has surpassed a million signatures.
Campa ball-coise a' cuideachadh gus sgilean Gàidhlig a neartachadh
Bha mu 27 neach òg a' gleusadh an sgilean Gàidhlig tro spòrs an t-seachdain seo aig campa ball-coise Gàidhlig FC Sonas. Bha Sgioba na Gàidhlig aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd toilichte obrachadh còmhla ri FC Sonas gus campa ball-coise air a' bhlàr a-muigh a chur air dòigh ann an saor-làithean na sgoile, eadar an 19 - 21 dhen Dàmhair, ann am Pàirc a’ Bhucht ann an Inbhir Nis.30/9/2020
Resistance training: here's why it’s so effective for weight loss
Weight lifting, also known as resistance training, has been practised for centuries as a way of building muscular strength. Research shows that resistance training, whether done via body weight, resistance bands or machines, dumbbells or free weights, not only helps us build strength, but also improves muscle size and can help counteract age-related muscle loss.
High Life Highland Locations Still Open For Business
The Chief Executive of High Life Highland has spoken following the First Minister's statements to remind customers that the Charity's locations should not be affected by the restrictions coming into place later in the week. Steve Walsh said, "High Life Highland has worked extremely hard to ensure that our locations are operating strictly in line with the Scottish Government's guidelines.
High Life Highland Swimming Provision Bounces Back
High Life Highland is continuing its bounceback campaign with additional swimming provision planned during September and October. Graeme Ross, Principal Facilities Manager said, "In getting our locations reopen, our priority was, and continues to be to make our premises safe and welcoming for customers and staff.
Pilot Football Matches - Two test events to be played in front of home fans
Two pilot Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) matches are to take place in front of 300 home supporters following extensive discussions involving Ministers and the football authorities. The games - Aberdeen v Kilmarnock and Ross County v Celtic - on Saturday 12 September 2020, have been approved after each of the home teams submitted detailed operational plans for the safe admission of fans.5/9/2020
Should I stop running if my knee hurts?
The most common site for pain in recreational runners is the knee. For some, especially older runners, the pain can be a symptom of osteoarthritis.
Customers delighted to be back in the swim
Leisure centres and swimming pools across the Highlands reopened this morning, two weeks earlier than had originally been anticipated. Steve Walsh, Chief Executive of High Life Highland said, "It is absolutely amazing to see leisure centres and swimming pools welcoming highlife members and customers back to swimming, working out or attending classes this morning.
Gym And Swim Added To Highlife Booking System
High Life Highland today released further details on what customers can expect when returning to leisure activities over the coming weeks. In order to ensure that the Highland Charity is adhering to Scottish Government guidelines, a decision has been taken that customers will be required to pre booked before visiting a leisure centre to participate in any activity, including gym and swim sessions that before lockdown would have been classed as ‘drop-in' activities.20/8/2020
High Life Highland Is Ready To Welcome Customers Back To Pools And Gyms
High Life Highland have expressed delight at today's announcement from the First Minister that gyms and swimming pools can reopen from Monday 31st August 2020. Steve Walsh Chief Executive of High life Highland said, "I am absolutely delighted with the news that we are able to welcome our customers back earlier than we had first thought.
East Caithness Bounceback Into Sports and Games - Term 1
See poster for all the events outdoors at schools. Booking required - first come first served..