Castle Of Mey 10k 2015
27th March 2015
The most Northerly 10K on British Mainland.
The Castle of Mey 10K is the most northerly 10K on the British mainland, and is run in the beautiful grounds and surroundings of the historic 14th Century Scottish Castle, the Queen Mother's home in Caithness.
With the kind permission of the Castle and Gardens of Mey, North Highland Harriers are the proud organisers of the Castle of Mey 10K.
The date for the 2015 event has been confirmed as 24th May 2015.
Keep up to date with all the latest information via the event Castle of Mey 10K and Mey Mile Facebook page.
Entry for the 2015 Catle of Mey 10K is open from 12 January 2015 via the EntryCentral website.
Race entry will be open until the 17th May 2015 or earlier if the race limit is reached. Please note that there will be NO ENTRIES ON RACE DAY so please enter early to avoid disappointment.
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Over 400 photos of runners in the Mey 10k 2013 that takes place each year. The little film shows the start and finsh of the race.
The most Northerly 10K on British Mainland. Castle of Mey 10K event will take place on 12 May 2013.
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